Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Deeper In for Children includes Anchored - How Do they Make a Difference?


Sunday school originally began in 1780 because people wanted to teach poor children to read as they typically worked in factories all week. Nearly all children went to Sunday school - even if their parents did not go to church - and along with learning to read, they were taught the Bible - as it was the main book they learned to read. These children also learned to write as they copied verses from the Bible. 

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Why Another Curriculum? Why Deeper In for Children?


Yes, I agree there are a number of excellent curriculum resources currently available for churches to use in their Children's Ministries, so why did I release  Deeper In for Children? There are several reasons, but the biggest one is because  Deeper In for Children  does several unique things -

Deeper In for Children is a Great Fit for Your Church Because . . .

Why is   Deeper In for Children   an excellent choice for your Children's Ministry? There are several reasons why, but one is certainly ...